Saturday, August 6, 2011

yah, that really happened or, things they don't teach you in grad school

Now that I'm leaving moving to a new post, I feel like I can share a few of my more harrowing stories with you, and not risk taking several years off of my father's life by making him worry...

This is a conversation that happened a few weeks after I arrived:

Me (incredulously): Wait, you want me to do what?
My boss (seriously): Go and talk to the xxx... *
Me: You mean the vigilante militia who fights against the xxx**?
Boss: Yes
Me: About what?
Boss (calmly): Well, they're angry with the UN and they're threatening to shoot at them... and most of our cars are marked "UN", so they'll probably shoot at us by mistake.
Me (thoughtfully): ...huh... what would you like me to say to them.
Boss (matter-of-factly): Ask them not to shoot at us.
Me (confused): is that really my job?
Boss (convincingly): you're very good at talking to people. they'll like you
Other colleague (sarcastically): yah, as a 4th wife...
Me (cautiously): OK... I'll set up a meeting... um, how do you set up a meeting with a vigilante militia group?
Boss: call the governor, he'll arrange it
Me: the govenor? of the state?
Boss: yes, (takes out his cell phone) here's his number

* local good guy militia
** local bad guy militia

Moral of the story?? Treating people with respect and being charming is a universal language, appropriate for cocktail parties and armed negotiations.

Oh, and it really did turn out alright, just a misunderstanding really, everything is OK.

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